zedge wallpaper

Important disclaimer: Zedge.net website and mobile application is blocked by a few countries due to copyright-related issues. Here we strongly recommend following respective countries’ rules and regulations before you download wallpapers, ringtones, or any content from the Zedge.net website or mobile application. Here our motive behind this article is to share information about this tool and we strongly respect the rules and regulations of the respective country. Here we are not responsible for any content served by Zedge and recommend using them at your own risk by following the regulations of your country.

Are you looking for free wallpaper, ringtones, icons, or a theme for your iPhone, Android, or any other smartphone? You can use Zedge.net to download many digital assets through their website and mobile applications. Let us show why?

Zedge.net, the new saga in the world of free ringtones, wallpaper, themes, and icons for iPhone, Android & other mobile platforms has found its fans all over the world. The Zedge community is rising leaps and bounds without any inhibitions or apprehensions from over 34M active monthly users. Zedge.net also has an Android and iPhone mobile app and come up with an elaborate palette of mobile downloads that has wooed its users with its varied offerings. One of the leading websites in the category, Zedge has to offer a big pool of data and all at free of cost to the community; isn’t it a wonderful thing?

All about Zedge.net

Zedge.net is the largest platform to find and experience over 15K free downloadable mobile content like wallpaper, ring tones, themes, games, etc every second along with the more than 260,423,600 apps downloaded at the time of writing this post. The users of Zedge.net are scattered across all platforms like iPhone, Android & Web. Its popularity is mainly due to the original and diverse content that it offers and also because of its compatibility with almost all devices available as of date. You need to select the device and start downloading all amazing content from Zedge.net.

Zedge.net Services

Zedge trending wallpapers and ringtones

Zedge.net has all to offer for its users and community members. This unique mobile content portal has more than 8.4 million items in its content library available for free download. These free ringtones, wallpaper, apps and themes are continuously growing with more than 7 million items being uploaded by its users on daily basis. With more than 68 million downloads of this app by the android users and about 45 million monthly visitors, the service list of this app is getting longer and longer. The services offered by Zedge.net are

  • Zedge Ringtones – Ringtones are free for download and you have a very wide choice indeed. The uploads are also possible if you are a community member. These free zedge ringtones are offered from all genres and can be searched quickly through their easy navigation. They have all to offer from oldies to latest, Bollywood to Pop, classical to popular and much more. Checkout Zedge ringtone category and search for your favorite and compatible ringtones. You can even short the ringtones by its popularity, category or time of upload.
  • Zedge Wallpaper – Wallpaper is another major feature that you choose to personalize your mobile. Zedge.net has much to offer even in this section and that too free. You can download all amazing wallpaper according to occasion or your taste. Checkout this Zedge wallpaper category where you can download wallpaper categorized by its popularity. Generally i download featured wallpaper from this category as it contains unique and amazing theme that i love the most.
  • Zedge Themes – Apart from ringtones and wallpapers, Zedge.net also has free download available of special themes for its users. Checkout this theme category where you can find all different smartphone theme and yes, if you are surfing with child, don’t forget to on family filter.
  • Games – Games being the most popular mobile app amongst all age group, Zedge.net has made a special attempt to bring the large variety of games free for its users. To download the games, you will have to access their mobile website from your smartphone.
  • Advertisement – Other than these free downloads, Zedge.net also serves as a successful advertising tool. With its vast community and reach, Zedge.net can turn out to be a sure shot publicity platform for all sorts of businesses. If you are looking for good exposure amongst these smartphone users, Zedge advertisement can be your best bet to acquire targeted audience.

Zedge.net has a lot more to offer, all you need to do is just log on and enjoy.

Zedge.net for Android users:

Are you an Android device user and want to download Zedge ringtones & wallpapers? You can download their official app from Google play store and can use all available features directly from the app. Here is the brief about the Zedge android app:

  • Name: ZEDGE™ Ringtones & Wallpapers
  • Download link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.zedge.android&hl=en
  • Total downloads so far: 10,00,000,000 +
  • Avg ratings: 4.6 out of 5

Based on downloads & rating data, it seems that the Zedge android application is very popular and loved by the users and one of the most popular android app to use.

Zedge.net for iOS users:

Zedge app is also available on iOS (Apple store) and offers free Zedge wallpaper to personalize your lock screen.

Here is the brief about the Zedge iOS app:

  • Name: ZEDGE™ Wallpapers
  • Download link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/zedge-wallpapers/id1086101495?mt=8
  • Total downloads so far: NA
  • Avg ratings: 4.6 out of 5 (Based on 12.7 K ratings for all versions)

It seems that iOS users are not happy with the Zedge iOS app by considering the average ratings given by the app users. Still, you can download this Zedge app and can test the same without spending money as it is available at FREE of cost.

Frequently asked question about Zedge.net

1. Is it safe to download ringtones, wallpapers from Zedge.net?

Yes, It is safe but Zedge.net is a community that serves ringtones, wallpapers, and other content that is being uploaded by users. You will be surprised to know that Zedge is available on the App Store. Here we highly respect the copyright owner and we strongly recommend downloading only those content that does not infringe the copyright of the respective owner.

2. Why Zedge.net is not available to download on iTunes store

This is not true, Zedge is already available on the iTunes store and you will find different applications for different content. i.e wallpaper, ringtones, etc. As stated earlier, Zedge is not allowed to serve in various countries and hence, it will be only available in those countries which allow Zedge to serve.

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