iOS to PCApple has recently launched iOS 7 with new look, feel and additional features. While upgrading your current iOS version to iOS 7, you will see below message if you have not transferred your purchase to your iTunes library.

itunes_errorThe process is bit tricky if you are using latest version of iTunes (iTunes 11.1). In this article, we will explain detailed process to transfer your purchase from your iOS device to iTunes library that will work for order and newer version of iTunes.

Lets us start with older version first!

iTunes 10.X version for Windows

This is an older version of iTunes which will show below console when you open an iTunes in Windows.

itunes 10 iphoneStep1: 

If you have not authorized your computer for your iOS device, go to Store menu and click on Authorize Computer. (One iOS device can authorize with maximum 5 computers.)


Now connect your device to your computer to transfer your purchase. If you have already synchronized with other computer, it will show below message:


Click on Transfer purchase button and it will show the process in console.

sync message itunesImportant note: If you click on Erase and Sync it will remove existing data from your iOS device and will replace the same with data available in iTunes store you are connected with.

If given message did not popped up, you need to follow below step to complete the purchase transfer.


Go to show sidebar from View menu and right click on your device. From given menu, click on Transfer purchase from iPhone. And it’s done!

iphone transfer purchaseiTunes 11.1 Version for Windows

We found that the newer version of iTunes has different UI and Menu. You will have to use keyboard short-cut to view menu in iTunes 11.1 version. Follow below steps to complete the process.

If you have not authorized the computer, follow Step1 and Step 2 explained in older version of iTunes.

If it is already authorized and the default message did not appear after connecting your iOS device to your computer, use below keyboard shortcut to view menu:

Press Alt + F key in your keyboard

You will see menu displayed below:

transfer purchase itunes111As shown in image, go to File -> Device -> Transfer Purchase from!

And It’s done!

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