Do you want to start your career in software development? Looking to start learning a new programming language? Do you want to switch your career to software development but are not sure which programming language you should learn first? This article is for you. Here we will be sharing the world’s 30 most popular software technologies for you to choose from.
If you promised to improve your technical skills, there may be some confusion about where to begin. So many programming languages, protocols, platforms, and software technologies have emerged in recent years and it’s hard to sort sorting out. However, there have been some platforms as per the Stackoverflow survey that seem to carry themselves into the future and will be worth investing time upon.
Here is the list of the top 25 most popular technologies as per the Stackoverflow insight data 2022, derived from over 73K responses they received. As the list consists of technologies from 2022, you must consider this list to choose the technologies to learn in 2023.

Most Popular Software Technologies to Learn in 2023
We have divided this article into two part, in which; the first part is consisting a list of 19 software technologies from the Stackover flow survey and the other list comprised of 11 technologies based on other data and research we did while working on this article.
List 1 – 17 Best Software Technologies based on StackOver Flow Survey 2022
This list of the most popular software technologies is compiled by considering their popularity based on Stackoverflow survey data from 2022. If you are looking to learn about the best technology/programming languages to learn in 2023, this list may or may not be relevant to you as it does not include emerging technologies like AI, Machine learning, blockchain technology, VR, big data, etc. For that, they have a dedicated section which you can refer to by visiting the specified survey link.
1. JavaScript:

In the earlier list from Google trend, Java script was in 5th position. This time we took the data from Stackoverflow as it is the most popular and authentic source in the development community. Here, Javascript has topped the position with over 67% of votes. It offers various facilities to software developers, especially those who are working on web technologies. I am not surprised and I am sure Java script will remain in the top 3 list in the coming times considering the popularity of full-stack development technologies like Node.JS, Angular JS, React JS, etc. Nowadays, the biggest players have launched these full-stack development frameworks which are getting good traction in the development community for both front-end and back-end development.
2. HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) / CSS:

This has been the basic theory for creating web pages and thereby the web sphere. HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language consists of tags and brackets that define the user experience on the internet. While we have a variety of open-source and easy-to-use web development/ solutions nowadays, HTML is still the basic idea that has been molded into them. If you are planning to make your career in the web development or web design industry, HTML will be the first and most important programming language you must learn. Nowadays, HTML5 is getting more popularity when it comes to responsive designs, but still, HTML has secured a top 10 position since the last 135 months of the Google trend report.
Nowadays, HTML5 is getting more popular when it comes to responsive designs but still, HTML has secured in the top 10 positions in the last 135 months of Google trend report.
3. SQL (Structured Query Language):

SQL or Structured Query Language originally developed at IBM in early 1970 is a special-purpose programming language that facilitates data management in RDBMS systems. The basics of SQL relate to tuple relational calculus and rational algebra but provide tools that could come to great effect in working with databases. With modern businesses and workplaces running on information, SQL still holds its place as one of the most demanded software technologies. If you love playing with data, you can definitely start with this software technology which is in the top 10 positions in Google Trends for the last 135 months and received over 54% votes in the stackoverflow survey 2019.
4. Python:

Python programming language has secured its 4th most popular software technology and is considered one of the most widely used high-level, dynamic programming languages. It has various opportunities in the field of software development. Here we have shared a beginner’s guide to Python if you want to start learning the same.
Earlier, it was in 2nd position and now jumped to 4th position when we changed the data source of this article.
5. TypeScript:

TypeScript is a strongly-typed programming language that is a superset of JavaScript. TypeScript code is compiled to plain JavaScript, so it can run on any platform that supports JavaScript. TypeScript is often used in web development, particularly with popular frameworks like Angular and React. One of the main benefits of TypeScript is that it helps catch errors at compile-time rather than at runtime, which can save developers time and reduce the likelihood of bugs.
6. JAVA:

This time, Java software technology has secured the 5th position in our list. Developed back in June 1991, JAVA is a concurrent, object-oriented, and class-based programming language and has been intended to be a “write once, run anywhere” machine-independent programming language. This makes the work of developers easier, and they can run their scripts on any system that supports the JAVA architecture. One of the main benefits of JAVA is its portability, which makes programs run faster and at their optimal performance levels. Java is a very popular programming language and one should definitely learn it to make a bright career in software development.
Java secured its place in the top 10 positions in Google Trends for the last 150 months and received over 40% votes in the stackoverflow survey.
7. Bash / Shell / PowerShell:
Powershell / Bash / Shell provides an intelligent command line interface that uses its own configuration tool. Powershell is more popular as it runs on the Windows operating system and provides an easy interface for windows end users to execute windows OS-specific commands. on the other hand, bash is using Unix environment and is most popular among developers.
8. C# (C Sharp):
C# (C Sharp) is the programming language that was developed by Microsoft in 2000 as a part of its .net platforms. You can learn this programming language from the official Microsoft guide.
9. C++ (C plus plus):

C++ is one of the most popular programming languages that we used to learn during our initial education in programming. It was developed by Bjarne starting in 1979 at Bell Laboratories. The main advantage of the C++ programming language is; it can run on multiple platforms like Windows, Mac OS, UNIX, etc. If you really want to learn hardware programming, this language is good for working on memory management and better performance.
10. PHP (Hypertext Pre-processor):

According to W3Techs, PHP is used by 78.3% of websites whose server-side programming language we know. PHP is a scripting language that has been defining the web world. Initiated in 1995 by Rasmus Lerdorf, PHP, or Personal Home Page (Hypertext Preprocessor), has gradually evolved to include command line interface capabilities that define today’s standalone graphic applications. The latest PHP 5.5 supports generators, Zend Optimizer +, and block exception handling.
11. C:

Developed by Dennis Ritchie back in the late 1960s, C as a programming language has been the base of structured programming ever since. It was one of the first languages to incorporate a lexical variable scope and has been one of the most widely used platforms. C compilers are now available for a majority of operating systems and computer architectures and are used in both supercomputers and micro-controllers. It is C that has made the present-day JAVA, limbo, PHP, Python, UNIX C-Shell, and most other modern languages. C is considered the first step for any software developer and it will help a lot to learn any programming language in your career.
12. PowerShell:

PowerShell is a powerful object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft that is specifically designed for system administrators and developers who work with Windows operating systems. PowerShell is built on top of the .NET framework and provides a powerful command-line interface (CLI) for automating tasks and managing Windows environments. It supports a variety of input and output formats, including text, XML, and JSON, making it easy to integrate with other systems.
13. Go:

In the earlier list from Google trend, Java script was in 5th position. This time we took the data from Stackoverflow as it is the most popular and authentic source in the development community. Here, Javascript has topped the position with over 67% of votes. It offers various facilities to software developers, especially those who are working on web technologies. I am not surprised and I am sure Java script will remain in the top 3 list in the coming times considering the popularity of full-stack development technologies like Node.JS, Angular JS, React JS, etc. Nowadays, the biggest players have launched these full-stack development frameworks which are getting good traction in the development community for both front-end and back-end development.
14. Rust:

Rust is one of the most popular programming languages. It meets developers’ needs to produce fast, reliable software with safety and concurrency at its core. Rust’s combination of high-level, multi-paradigm capabilities along with unparalleled performance, nil runtime or garbage collection make it the ideal choice for developing services, which require much power and responsiveness – even on embedded devices. What’s more, Rust makes it easier than ever to integrate other languages too.
15. Kotlin:

Being one of the best programming languages to learn, Kotlin has all the useful features that make every developer nothing but happy. It is completely secure, to the point, and interoperable with Java and other popular programming languages. Moreover, it offers multiple ways to reuse programming codes between different platforms. And the best thing is, Google recommended Kotlin as the most preferred programming language for developing Android apps.
16. Dart:

Dart is a general-purpose programming language developed by Google. Dart is an object-oriented language with a syntax that is similar to C or Java, but with some unique features, such as optional typing, garbage collection, and a built-in async/await syntax for handling asynchronous operations. Dart also includes a comprehensive set of libraries, tools, and frameworks that make it easy to develop a variety of applications, from simple command-line tools to complex web and mobile applications. Some of the popular frameworks built on top of Dart include AngularDart, Flutter, and Aqueduct.
17. Ruby:

Ruby is an easy-to-use, dynamic, open-source programming language. The elegant syntax makes this programming language simple to read and easy to write. In addition, it has immense flexibility. Therefore it does not restrict a coder. You can remove or redefine important parts of this language as per your choice.
List 2 – Popular Programming Languages to Learn in 2023
1. Android:

Android programming language has made it to the #1 position in the top software technologies in the 2017 list for the first time. I am not surprised to see Android on the list after evaluating the growth of android smartphone users around the world. It has changed the way the mobile operating system works and attracts youth to pursue their career as android application developers. If you are new in the Android development field and want to start learning from sample source code, you can download them at free of cost to test your programming skills.
2. Swift:

Be it a smartphone, desktop, server, or something else that runs code, Swift shows an easy-to-follow way to write software for all of them. It is 100% safe, super fast, and an absolutely interactive programming language that is also quite easy to read and write. This intuitive language, developed by Apple Inc. is useful for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.
3. Scala:

Its combination of object-oriented and functional programming provides developers with a comprehensive set of tools, which can be used to create efficient and reliable applications. Scala’s static types give programmers a great level of detail and control over complex applications while its JVM and JavaScript runtimes ensure that the best performance can always be reached. Thanks to its range of features, closely resembling those found in languages like Scheme and Haskell, Scala allows experienced coders the opportunity to apply powerful techniques like currying, immutability, lazy evaluation, and pattern matching to their work.
4. Perl:

Perl is a powerful and versatile language that can cater to all your programming needs. With easy-to-use features, this language offers support for over 100 platforms – from portables to mainframes – thus making it ideal for both small prototypes and large-scale development tasks. Not only does the language get the job done, but it does so efficiently, saving time and resources in the process.
List 3 – 10 Latest Software Development Technologies That Will Dominate 2023
The year 2023 is going to see many trending technologies. Whether it is the introduction of the Metaverse, Web3, or the continued dominance of cryptocurrency, digital transformation is here to stay. Hence, it becomes crucial to keep up with the current trends in the software development field.
1. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Technology:

Robotic process automation (RPA) offers a revolutionary way to increase efficiency and profitability within organizations. With RPA, software robots replicate human tasks such as reading information off of digital screens, efficiently navigating complex software systems, and accurately extracting data from various sources: all with greater speed and consistency than humans. This capability not only saves companies time and money but provides a more satisfying working environment for employees by removing mundane tasks from their workdays.
Like AI and Machine Learning, Robotic Process Automation is another future technology used to automate tasks. RPA will allow users to create software that mimics human behavior. Moreover, RPA observes human behavior in the digital world and tries to gain the same digital skillset.
Tasks like sending emails, logging into programs, making calculations, and scraping web data are some uses of RPA.
Businesses can profit immensely by implementing RPA for their repetitive tasks. Moreover, RPA automation might impact the jobs of around 230 million people as per Forrester estimates. However, it does offer roles for IT professionals like RPA developers, RPA analysts, and RPA architects.
2. Edge Computing Technology:

Edge computing is a powerful way of distributing computing and storage solutions that makes them interconnected and readily accessible. By bringing the power of these solutions closer to the data sources, they can process and store data more efficiently.
This enhances response times and reduces costly network bandwidth utilization. This further increases the strength of edge computing by letting developers connect in exactly the way their applications need it, regardless of location or technological roadblocks.
3. CyberSecurity:

Cybersecurity plays a critical role in providing adequate security against malicious attempts to unlawfully access information as well as attacks meant to disable or disrupt the operations of a system or device.
While individuals can benefit from cybersecurity solutions, organizations need to invest in comprehensive solutions that protect their entire infrastructure, systems, and sensitive business data. Implementing robust cybersecurity protocols is a complex undertaking but one that can make all the difference when it comes to safeguarding digital assets.
4. 5G Technology:

5G technology is no longer a distant dream but is already being implemented in many countries around the world. This revolutionary advancement in wireless communications offers much higher data speeds, faster connections, and lower latency than ever before.
Not only can it connect more people, devices, and objects efficiently, but it also provides greater reliability, improved availability, and a much more uniform user experience faster than 4G. Some of the amazing uses this new technology can offer include self-driving cars, telemedicine, and remote robotic surgery – giving us an exciting glimpse into the future.
5. AR and VR-Based Technology:

The list of the latest technology trends includes AR and VR technology. The start of the pandemic has accelerated the growth of these future technologies. Moreover, the AR and VR market will grow to $209.2 billion in 2023. In 2023, you can expect AR and VR to further merge with our lives.
Metaverse will use AR and VR tools to create a virtual space that mimics the real world.
Both these technologies have applications across different industries. Gaming, marketing, education, e-commerce, and entertainment will all adopt AR/VR at some point in the future.
While AR adds to the user’s real-life experience, VR removes the user from the physical world to a computer-generated alternate universe.
Career options in the AR and VR industry are plenty. Software maintenance, graphic design, project management, and software engineering and development are just a few of the options
6. Blockchain:

One of the best technologies to learn for the future is blockchain. There is a perception among people that blockchain is only limited to cryptocurrency. However, it is a blockchain that excites financial industries more than cryptocurrency.
This is because blockchain is the underlying technology of cryptocurrency. It is a digital ledger of transactions that anybody can view and verify. This can have applications across industries. Blockchain technology can be used for money transfers, financial exchanges, logistics, supply chain tracking, securing IoT, and NFTs.
It is being said that the demand for blockchain techies will balloon in the coming years. Jobs in this sector are growing at a speed of 2,000-6,000%, with 50-100% higher salaries than conventional developers.
Moreover, blockchain is going to be the backbone of Web 3.0. The next generation of the internet is going to exist on a blockchain.
7. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning:

The application of Artificial Intelligence is known to all of us. We can see the use of AI in developing smartphone assistants like Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant, and Cortana. Moreover, AI is also used in speech and image recognition.
Furthermore, Machine Learning is a part of AI. Machine Learning aims to increase the capability of a machine to such an extent that it can imitate human behavior. It makes software applications more accurate in predicting outcomes without explicit programming.
Moreover, Artificial Intelligence is used to give recommendations based on past data. For example, companies like Netflix use a viewer’s past data to conduct predictive analysis and display movie options that they might be interested in.
Careers in AI and Machine Learning include AI Research scientists, AI engineers, Machine Learning Engineers, and AI architects. It is said that 9% of jobs in the United States will belong to this sector by 2025.
8. IoT (Internet of Things):
The Internet of Things or IoT is one of the new technologies in software development”. IoT means connecting all things in the world to the internet. The aim is to make “things” more intelligent. With IoT, we can send and receive information. Fitness trackers, smartwatches, and smart home security systems are just some applications of IoT.
According to predictions, around 50 billion IoT devices will be in use by 2030. Moreover, careers in IoT will also pick up the pace with the demand for professionals in software development, data management, data analytics, networking systems, security standards, etc.
9. Centralized Cloud-Based Infrastructure:

Cloud-based infrastructure is also one of the best technologies to learn for the future. It stands for all the components that are needed for cloud computing. This will include all the hardware and software components that are necessary to deliver cloud services.
The pandemic has also accelerated the use of cloud computing. Online learning, remote work, and businesses all use cloud computing. Moreover, companies are transforming their IT infrastructure and are demanding highly skilled professionals in this field.
Cloud Network engineers, Cloud Database Administrators, Cloud Security Analysts, Cloud architects, and Cloud Developers are some options in this field.
10. Quantum Computing:

Last but not least, Quantum Computing is also one of the trending technologies of 2023. Quantum Computing performs certain kinds of computing more efficiently than classical computers. As quantum computing uses qubits instead of bits, it can use less energy and store more information.
The uses of Quantum Computing can be found in banking and finance for fraud detection credit risk. Typical job profiles in this field include Quantum Software Engineer, Quantum Computing Researcher, and Quantum Computing Evangelist.
By 2029, the revenues generated from Quantum Computing are estimated to be more than $2.5 billion.
Learning any of these new technologies in software development will undoubtedly open doors to various high-paying job profiles.
More and more companies are looking to hire IT, wizards, with good knowledge and a strong work ethic. The boom of the internet, smartphones and other forms of information consumption have changed due to software engineering.
Whether you are learning new technologies in software development or the best programming language for app development, the suggestions mentioned above will surely help you out! Upskilling and learning these trending technologies will make your profile resilient even in the face of a bad labor market.
Are you a software developer or IT professional? Which one is your favorite programming language? And why?
Share your experience with a particular programming language with us. Please note that the top chart gets updated frequently and the popularity of a particular programming language gets changed accordingly.
FAQs on Latest Software Technologies:
The best language for web development depends on the purpose and scale of the project. Popular choices include JavaScript, Python, SQL, Java, and PHP. All these languages have their own pros and cons depending on what type of website or application you’re looking to build. Ultimately with the support of a knowledgeable developer, any language can be effective for producing professional results.
Python is widely considered the best language for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning due to its flexibility, vast collection of libraries and frameworks, ease of use, and accessibility. It has been used in real-world applications such as self-driving cars, image recognition, and natural language processing. Additionally, being one of the best programming languages for competitive programming, Python has a thriving community that can help answer questions you might have while learning or developing your AI or ML project.
As the job market for programming languages continues to evolve and change, there is no single best computer language to learn for jobs. However, there are certain languages with which employers look favorably upon, such as JavaScript, Python, C++ and Java. Having a solid understanding of these languages will provide you with the best opportunities when it comes to finding your next programming role. Furthermore, being knowledgeable in multiple languages can only improve your chances of landing a great coding gig.