Google webmaster tool is the blessing for webmaster to observe the behavior of Google crawler against your website. It not only provides useful data but also helps webmaster to understand the errors reported by Google crawlers about your website.

Mobile Usability Tracking

Recently, John Mueller has published a blog post at Google webmaster center blog about this new feature included in Google webmaster tool to track the mobile usability of your website.

The new feature shows mobile usability issues we’ve identified across your website, complete with graphs over time so that you see the progress that you’ve made.

Mobile users are increasing rapidly and sometime it may happens that your website loose mobile traffic by not having mobile friendly websites or some small usability issues. This tool will help you to understand the issues to prevent your customers bounce back from the website.

Checkout this discussion at Google plus.

Have you tried this mobile usability tracking feature? What are your views on this new addition in Google webmaster tool?

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Jignesh gohel is a Google Ads certified professional and digital marketing consultant having over 14 years of experience. He loves writing about gadgets, pay per click advertisement, ecommerce and online marketing. Connect with him here at Linkedin - Jignesh Gohel