Home Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is one of the most emerging technology in current era and considered to be the next big industry in the future. This category is dedicated to all amazing invention and information in VR industry that will be brought by us to you. Stay tuned !

Virtual Reality VR

These 10 Viral Virtual Reality Videos Will Force You to Use...

Virtual reality (VR) could transform every day's life and it can be used in leisure time and also in work and education. VR technology...

World IoT Summit Bangalore 2018 – Finest IoT Event of India

IoT is the next big future and if you want to learn and network with the great mind from IoT industry in India, World...

10 Amazingly Awesome Virtual Reality Games to Thrill Gaming Nerd

Playing a virtual reality games is a dream of all gaming nerd but the biggest question is; which one is the best VR game...
oculus rift screen

7 Unique Oculus Rift Features Including Price, VR Games and More

It been couple of months Oculus Rift has launched its virtual reality headset and it is estimated over 3.6 million headsets to be sold...
360 degree image

Everything You Need to Know About 360 Degree Photos on Facebook

For more than 10 years now, photos had been the prime way that users are sharing their experiences on Facebook. According to Zephoria, more...
everest VR

Now Climb Mount Everest via Everest VR App on HTC Vive...

Ever wondered how it feels like crunching the snow under your feet and hiking through the chilling blizzards and treacherous rocks to get to...
ink hunter ios application

9 Best Augmented Reality Apps & Games which Stoles All the...

Pokémon Go is probably the hottest AR game today and the success comes from seamless augmented reality (AR) integration. However, it isn’t just Pokémon...