In India, the Lok Sabha election is already started; there are lots of events happening related to politics. Leaders are busy in election campaign, filing nomination, participating in debate, giving interview on TV channels and promoting their parties. In all this, Small businesses start utilizing politician’s brand for their product to sell and same way technology oriented companies have started developing websites and mobiles apps to encourage people and educate them to vote for this 16th Lok Sabha election in India.

Here are some of the fun election-themed Android games running top in popularity charts

#1 Vote for Modi

Sri Narendra Modi is a chief minister of Gujarat and PM candidate from Bhartiya Janta Party in India. If you are big fan of Modiji, this android app is for you. Download now and explore the wonderful feature of this unique election game.

Vote for modi

To play this game, you just have to select your desired leader. During the game, you need to keep tapping to keep your leader to fly and avoid any opposing party leader. At the end of game, you can share your highest score over Facebook and challenge your friends to beat this.

Download Flappy Leader Game


#2 Kursi Cricket

Kursi Cricket is a game based on cricket where each run counts as a vote. You need to select a leader from Rahul Gandhi, Narendra Modi and Arvind Kejriwal to whom you support. Once the game start, you need to bat for your selected leader and have to collect more and more runs.

kursi cricket android gameKursi Cricket is very simple game having multi wicket features. You get the real time live score statistics of your leader.

Download Kursi Cricket Game


#3 Angry Voters

Angry Voters is an app that offers to express your anger towards political leaders. This game feature 3 most commented PM candidate Narendra Modi, Rahul Gandhi and Arvind Kejriwal.

angry voters android gameAngry Voters app is based on angry birds in which you have to throw flower for your favorite leader and have to throw egg to express your anger for unwanted leaders to be PM.

Download Angry Voters Game


#4 Election Rush: The Game

Election Rush is the political game that lets you play for your favored political party – BJP, Congress or AAP (Aam Aadmi party).

election rush android gameIn Election Rush, You have to select your desire party and have to collect it’s symbol as much as you can. Being a player, you stand in the middle of the app and symbols are coming towards your way. You need to touch your supported party’s symbol while avoiding obstacles on your path.  You can share your score on Facebook and invite friend to play this game.

Download Election Rush: The Game


#5 ModiMan 3D Run – Election 2014

modiman 3d android gameModiMan 3D Run is an app for Narendra Modi supporters only.  This app is like a subway surfer app in which you have to collect lotus on the way of your journey and have to avoid obstacle like auto rickshaw. In ModiMan 3D, you play as a Narendra Modi and run through the street of Delhi by jumping over hurdles and breezing through traffic to reach PM’s Chair.

Download ModiMan 3D – Election 2014


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Niraj Bariya is working as Online Marketing Professional in IT Industry having over 8 years of experience. Niraj Bariya loves to write about technologies, gadgets & reviews and online marketing.